Simply the Best in Performing Arts Education

For all ages and abilitiesStage Acting
Students rehearse and perform in our own 100-seat Landrum Showcase Theater.

A great way to stay fit.Taught by Professionals
Make friends, have fun and learn some new moves.

For fun or a potential career.Confidence Booster
Private and semi-private lessons take place in our sound-proof recording studio using professional equipment.
Recent Events
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York at the Landrum Showcase Theater in Whitestone Students once again showcased their creativity in a fun night of comedy!
Landrum Goes to Aladdin 2016
Students, parents, and staff enjoyed a night on Broadway at Aladdin! There was something for all students to identify with - dancing, singing, and acting - not to mention what a spectacular performance it was [...]
Landrum 35th Anniversary Celebration
Congratulations to Miss Annette for 35 fabulous years as Director of Landrum School of Performing Arts!
Grease at the Landrum Showcase Theater June 2015
Grease cast members were hopelessly devoted to acting this year. Check out the photos.
Disney Dreams at the Landrum Showcase Theater 2015
The Disney Dreams cast and crew put on an awesome show this June! Check out the gallery.
Abby Lee of Dance Moms at Landrum
Landrum students were thrilled to meet Dance Mom's Abby Lee, Mackenzie, and Maddy. Check out the photo gallery.